Having a night where I thought "I know! I'll actually put something on my blog!" And what better way to start by costumes I have made/sourced and even customised for a themed event. Pre warning now. These pictures have been taken at the events so most of them are from a drunken night out and possibly on a camera phone too. This summer coming I am hoping to organise a photoshoot of these costumes to make them look more professinal. :)

One of my early and yet still proud of makes. I made this pirate coat and dress when I was 19 for the interesting theme of "Pirate Santa." Under the influence of my first Peter Pan costume job I went as a "Pirate Santa Wench Hoe". I hope you can make the same connection as I did. This costume has had so any uses since. Of course this is my main pirate costumebut this has also been a Viking Wench. Also the jacket has gone on to be a Queen of Hearts Courtier and a Ring Mistress. Many uses and happy times :)

My little black dress of doom I like to call this. Of all influences this idea came from The Saturday's "Up" video. I liked the simplicity of the little black dress, the killer heels and bright coloured pair of tights. So I decided to make this the dress code for my 20th. Seeing that being 20 is the start of being sopisticated :p. The doom part of it's title purely comes from the pressure of havin 24 hours to make it and how much of a pain it was.

A simple make but I still like it. As ou can tell it was animal kingdom night. If I got this theme night again I would want to change my top into a corset and have my hair and makeup more 1950's pin up style.

This was more of a customising job than a make. The mask I did make but the rest was just throwing the fake blood about. Fun times to be a Zombie NurseforHalloween.... I also freaked the crap out of my housemates.... win! :D

My take on Mrs Luvette. I have to tank VenaCava design for the patterns as I wouldn't have been ale to make this last year. This was for "Tim Burton" night at Sound Circus

Another skirt make. This is a slightly different take on Tinkerbell. Little bit alternative. I found the corset and fell in love with it so I decidedto make a skirt to go with it. Bit fairy punk syle which pretty much sums up me.

Yup you guessed it. I'm Alice from Wonderland. made this outfit for my 21st. The pattern for the dress has come handy since as you will later.

A last minute put together than a source but I'm still proud of it. This was for a black and red night..... wished I owned the hat.

A sourced outfit. I turned into Cindy Lawson for "80's night" at Sound Circus.

Recognise the dress sillouette? Same pattern from my Alice costume but what a difference characters can make. May I introduce you to the Floresant Zombie Princess Snow White. This concept came from my friend Becki's birthday theme of "Gates of Hell." This implied of possible characters or people you'd met in hell. I chose Snow White because after watching Snow White again in my 20's.... she is one annoying character who desserves to be in hell. Bit of a shame seing that I wanted to be Snow White as a child. As for the floresantness.... I had just cut and dyed my hair pink so I needed a way of making my hair fit with the costume lol

We are now at the start of my 2nd year at uni. So what happens? The costume crew hold a Lady Gaga vs. Brittany Spears night. Natrually Lady Gaga suits me better and I took an outfit from "Telephone" video. This was one random and fun make. A dress from bin liners and glasses out of ciggerettes. Me wants another night like this!!!!

Customising time again! I made my trilby just that little bit more interesting for "Crazy Hat Night"

For my friend's theme "Rainbows and Bubbles". When you have tons of spare fabric what is the best way to use it? Make a pretty pixie rainbow skirt :D

Not much of a source but what do you think of my Time Warper costume for "Rocky Horror"?

Zombie Tinkerbell..... Thisis a Tinkerbell outfit I made originally for another party. But I wasn't happy with the corset. So I ripped it up and threw blood over the rips and bam!..... Zombie Tinkerbell.... :p

This isn't the best picture but this is my cow dress. A Simplish make where the fabric is the star of the show.

2nd Attempt at my Tinkerbell corset. Still not happy as the corset shredded during the night but it looks prettier than the first.