Man it has been a busy 3 months and i still haven't stopped. Just thought I'd do a quick update post of whats been going on that will eventually have posts of their own in detail.
So uni wise I had my Specialist Practice where I made a medieval king costume for a live production. In Extremis was how should I put it..... full of extreme challenges that I just couldn't turn down. It was an intense 6 weeks of making but was incredibly rewarding.
Next on my agenda was to get at least one of Katie Sin's designs realized and here it is.

(Model- Katie Sin)
1st time for me to use PVC properly for making costumes. Usually I experiment with the stuff and create a textured texile piece with it. This was a fun experimental make where everything I've learnt in cutting on stand, pattern drafting and making decisions for myself to make the design look better in real life came into practice. Now that I know how to make this dress and have a couple of rolls of various PVC colours and patterns.... there maybe a little series of this dress out coming soon. :D
And finally panto. Normally students take advantage of their time off for xmas and relax.... Sleep is for the wicked I say!
Argosy Dramatics asked me back to make costumes for their panto Cinderella that will be on at the end of January. But rather than make a one off piece for them.... I've collaborated with the Costume Supervisor by mainly "re" designing and making the principle characters and co-ordinating the chorus together. It's tough. I've got roughly 9 costumes to make by 6pm tomorrow for a fitting but I am loving watching my drawings come to life in fabric. If I managed to get a few pictures of the run I'll post the designs and costumes on here at a later date.
So that's my last 3 months in a nutshell. I have 1 week of "holiday" left before I go back to uni and start my EMP project... the last project before graduation. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! Wish me luck!
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